Tuesday, March 6

SPCA Rescue Run

Hey All,

     The SPCA Rescue Run in Fredericksburg, VA is scheduled for June 10th, 2012.  I am planning on signing up and participating. I am really excited to support my local SPCA.
The Fredericksburg Regional SPCA is a non-profit, No-Kill humane organization dedicated to the principle that every life is unique and worthy of protection. As a local  leader in humane care and education, the Fredericksburg SPCA's mission is to tackle the problem of pet overpopulation through education, adoption, rehabilitation and spay/neuter. The organization saves the lives of many homeless animals each year and cares for approximately 400 cats and dogs daily. The Fredericksburg SPCA is not affiliated with any other animal welfare organization, and as such are responsible for 100% of their annual budget.

     I am beginning training using the Couch To Five Kilometer (C25K) Program that has been modified for a treadmill. If you've never heard of the C25K program you can read more about it here. This website is full of a lot of great resources, including a link to Podrunner: Intervals, a website that offers tracks that you can download and run to. They even have one that is designed to be used with the C25K program.

     The C25K program has several different formats, they have one for training with your dog, if you're running on a treadmill instead of the outdoors. It's available in several different languages, and there are at least 3 different apps on the android market. The methodology is simplistic enough that you can even do it with just a stopwatch.

     So if you are interested in running, and don't know where to start, or think you're too out of shape give this program a look at. If anyone wants a running buddy let me know.

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

Karen Ravn

Friday, March 2


Hey All,

     In case you haven’t heard I’ve decided to give my hand at the Virginia Warrior Dash 2012.
     It’s on September 29th, giving me plenty of time to get all my training in. Right now I’m doing Strive on Tuesdays and Thursdays, never heard of Strive? There’s a blog post on the right side bar about it. Shorthand, its strength/cardio circuit training. On the other weekdays I try to build up my running distance and endurance. My training plan is loosely based on the C25K program.
So. Are you a Warrior? The only way to know is to:
  • Leap over the warrior flames
  • Climb the cargo nets
  • Dash down the river
  • Climb the wall
  • Clear hurdles
  • Run up the narrow wooden ramps
  • Trudge through the waist deep water (which has logs in it)
  • Crawl across the tangled nets
  • Run through the junkyard of cars
  • Fight your way through the rubber junk jungle
  • Hurdle over barricades and crawl under barbed wire
  • Make it through the barbed wire mud pit
That’s it then, nothing to it! Basically what I see is a lot of running, climbing, and jumping. While the initial challenges sound hard a lot of the obstacles are likened to the things we did as kids on jungle gyms and playhouses (wading through ball pits, crawling through tunnels, hanging from monkey bars, etc).  So suffice to say I’m not feeling very intimidated. Yet.
     I’ll post updates to my training and plans for the even with the Warrior Dash tag. Anyone that wants in on this let me know, I think there’s a carpool going, and if you don’t want to get down and warrior dirty, there’s a spectator area as well. Food, beer, and mud; Also Live Music; September 29th.
     If you do decide to run, all finishing runners get 1 free beer, and a medal. Just for signing up you get Fuzzy Viking horns, and a t-shirt. Also best costumes get an award!